This is a simple digital adaptation of the solitaire cardgame "Scoundrel" by Zach Gage and Kurt Bieg, created in August of 2011.

The original PDF to the rules can be found here!
There currently is no sound, or tutorial, so I suggest looking at the PDF rules to learn how to play the card game.

That said:
This is a dungeon crawl, where you work your way through a deck of cards to reach the end of the dungeon.
Each room is made up of 4 cards.
You can select one card, and then click it again to confirm.

Hearts will heal you, but not past your max health of 20 (And only one heal per room)

Diamonds are weapons that can fight enemies and reduce damage by it's value! However, you can only use a weapon on an enemy of lower level then the last slain (Which is stored behind the weapon for easy reference). If you select another weapon, you can replace your current one by confirming the selected one, or you can keep your current by clicking on your current weapon.

Spades and Clubs are enemies, and do damage based on their value (Jacks = 11, Queens = 12, Kings = 13, and Aces = 14). When selecting an enemy, confirming by clicking on the enemy will fight it BARE HANDED - Which means no weapon and full damage. However, if you confirm by clicking on your weapon, you'll use it instead (If its a legal move).

When the room is down to the last card, it is filled up again!

You can run from a room! But the cards go to the bottom of the deck (And will be pulled later), and you cannot run more than twice in a row.

Try to get to the end! I'm 80% sure I made an end. Maybe not. The game is hard, so it's fine for now.

All art and programming was created by me.
The font, 'I pixel U', was created by rodrigosrtz and can be found here!

This project was created in 2 days. I'd like to add sound, eventually.

Any feedback is most welcome.


- Added proper Win Condition
- Potentially fixed bug when the escape menu key (esc) was hit too quickly
- Fixed bug when dying and restarting didn't actually let you restart.

Published 4 hours ago
StatusIn development
AuthorBaby Tea
GenreCard Game
Made withGodot
TagsDungeon Crawler, Roguelike, scoundrel

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